We want you to as well!
The preferred format for zine submissions is a PDF with all the pages in the correct order (cover to cover). This could be either a scan of a physical zine or a PDF of the digital files.
If your files are ready to go, submit them to our Zine Library!
We understand that not everyone has the required technology to convert their files into a PDF and we are happy to help! Our volunteers can process any of the following into an upload-ready PDF:
1. JPEG or PNG files of your zine pages or spreads.
2. PDF files of your zine pages or spreads.
3. Photographs of your zine pages or spreads. (If you are taking photos of your zines, make sure you do this in a well-lit area so that all your content is legible and minimal shadows fall across the pages!)
We will then combine your files into an upload-ready PDF. If you are uploading multiple files, please label each file appropriately so that we can make sure that they are combined in the correct order. (e.g. Cover.jpeg, Page1.jpeg, Page2-3.jpeg, etc.)
All zines submitted to QZC will be available to read online for free. Please only submit zines that you are happy to be shared online for the entire zine community to enjoy.
Please note you will need a Google account to submit your zine using the online submission form.
If you do not have a Google account, still need some help, have any questions or are unable to provide any of the above file formats, please send us an email: quarantinezineclub@gmail.com. We might still be able to help you!