Say hello to our zinesters!
QZC would not exist without the zinesters who have donated work to our Zine Library. We’ve included links to their websites, social media accounts and other online platforms below so that you can engage further with their work and provide financial support if possible.

Blinky Kill
Dr Jess Eggy

- Welcome to my home: an interactive zine
- I've never seen Buffy until I watched episode 7 of season 5 ten times in 17 hours
- 30 days
- I've now seen the first 4 Seasons and 7 Episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Episode 7 Season 5 Twelve Times
- Sims Shame? Same? A qualitative study with over 69 participants
- This one's about love
- Look Up
- Dream Eggs (an activity zine)
- Let's make a zine!
maryanne louise

one kidney bean