Sticky Institute Online Zine Library
This online zine library is a collection of zines donated by zinemakers from around the world. Take some time and have a browse at your leisure. It’s the online equivalent of browsing the shelves at Sticky Institute.
If you would like to support any of these zinemakers, you can find links to their website, social media accounts and other online platforms listed below their name.
A Small Spicy Guide to Mexican Hot Peppers
A visual ode to spicy peppers originating from Mexico.
Jaye Sosa

Gemini - Secret Message Society Zine No. 26
On an astrological journey, I spent a year getting to know the signs of the zodiac. These are the Gemini secret messages me and other members of the Secret Message Society collected.
Secret Message Society

Vigorous Characters with Long Necks! Vol.1
A collection of drawings, mostly vigorous characters with long necks.

Pizza in the Time of Covid -19
The zine documents empty and used pizza boxes in the streets of Brussels, Belgium.
Riitta Oittinen

The Last Poem I'll Ever Write About You
A handmade zine putting all the grief of heartbreak and healing in one place.
Kaleigh Joy

Friday Night In West Ealing #286
Friday Night In West Ealing is a free, weekly zine from London, UK.

Le Paradis C'est Ici, Charleroi 2019
It is precisely in the remains of the withdrawn capital in which a certain beauty seems to appear.
Frijke Coumans

The Wonder Of It All #3 Empty Eyes
This issue features intrinsic motivation, how that feeds into telesales, eco-doom band Sūrya, and a riot forklift.
The Wonder Of It All

Alone, Together: queer art in iso
a collection of art + writings created by young people who attend the Queerspace youth program, a social support space for young people who identify as part of the LGBTQIA+ community in Narrm/Melbourne
Queerspace Youth

Fanzine Ultra Violenta # 3 Pandemic
A graphic and poetic reflection about the theme Pandemic and the unique situation the human kind is experiencing.
Fanzine Ultra Violenta

Queeranzine: Tips for queering up your quarantine
A zine about gayness, chickpeas, friendship and hot tips about getting through this ~~~~ unprecedented time ~~~~~
Dani and Bear

Friday Night In West Ealing #271
Friday Night In West Ealing is a free, weekly zine from London, UK.

Linda Belcher is everything I want to be as a woman
An ode to the best cartoon mum, Linda Belcher

What Condition my Condition was in [25]
An ongoing free zine you can normally find in Sticky’s free section

On love, on heartbreak, on learning
On a relationship that would have lasted a lifetime, ending.
The Origami Elephant

To the first person I ever loved.
On what it was like to remeet the first person I ever loved.
The Origami Elephant

Welcome to my home: an interactive zine
I tried to make an interactive zine in Google Slides and I think it turned out alright! Enjoy this kind of FMV game (ish) exploration of my living situation: complete with puppets!
Dr Jess Eggy

Messy Chaotic Maximalism: Welcome to my Home
Knick knacks, Barbies and Dead Bugs: my home in pictures
Kate Dunn

Sex in the stacks: Australia's colossal collection of Mills & Boon
A zine describing the sizeable collection of Mills & Boon romance fiction in the National Library of Australia, as well as detailing how social and sexual attitudes in the books (and the books themselves) have changed over time.
Blinky Kill
Poems, pics, and articles about roller skating, compiled from 1880s to early 1900s newspapers.
Blinky Kill
I don't think you're ready for this jelly
I found a bunch of weird old recipes, cooked the food, fed it to my friends and family, and took pics of their reactions!
Blinky Kill
An Activity Book of Things To Do
An activity book filled with a crossword, a maze, a colouring page and more for people of all ages!

The Liberated Liberator Issue #10
Unfinished thoughts, unholy musings, toilet-seat fictions, drug-induced dreams, credible journalism, and Master Plans.
Grim and Shrewd Shoe

The Liberated Liberator Issue #9
Unfinished thoughts, unholy musings, toilet-seat fictions, drug-induced dreams, credible journalism, and Master Plans.
Grim and Shrewd Shoe

The Liberated Liberator Issue #8
Unfinished thoughts, unholy musings, toilet-seat fictions, drug-induced dreams, credible journalism, and Master Plans.
Grim and Shrewd Shoe

The Liberated Liberator Issue #7
Unfinished thoughts, unholy musings, toilet-seat fictions, drug-induced dreams, credible journalism, and Master Plans.
Grim and Shrewd Shoe

The Liberated Liberator Issue #6
Unfinished thoughts, unholy musings, toilet-seat fictions, drug-induced dreams, credible journalism, and Master Plans.
Grim and Shrewd Shoe

The Liberator Liberator Issue #5
Unfinished thoughts, unholy musings, toilet-seat fictions, drug-induced dreams, credible journalism, and Master Plans.
Grim and Shrewd Shoe

The Liberated Liberator Issue #4
Unfinished thoughts, unholy musings, toilet-seat fictions, drug-induced dreams, credible journalism, and Master Plans.
Grim and Shrewd Shoe

The Liberated Liberator Issue #3
Unfinished thoughts, unholy musings, toilet-seat fictions, drug-induced dreams, credible journalism, and Master Plans.
Grim and Shrewd Shoe

The Liberated Liberator Issue #2
Unfinished thoughts, unholy musings, toilet-seat fictions, drug-induced dreams, credible journalism, and Master Plans.
Grim and Shrewd Shoe

A perzine with some slam poem recs and a gay love letter
one kidney bean
A perzine with a review of the musical Come From Away and a letter about dating prospects.
one kidney bean
A perzine with a funky turtle to colour in (although idk how you would do this online) and advice about changing labels.
one kidney bean
A perzine with a picture of a date I never got to go on and a rant about my fears about honours at uni.
one kidney bean
A perzine featuring me complaining about corona and my favourite Tom Rosenthal songs (seriously, check him out).
one kidney bean
Friday Night In West Ealing #268
Friday Night In West Ealing is a free, weekly zine from London, UK.

A sinister retelling of Truman Capote's satirical novel 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'.
Packed with interviews and reviews for the best punk in melbourne and around the world. Magnetic Visions issue two is the second installment of the zine with interviews with legendary producer Mikey Young, new artists like Hannah Kate and GDU, A chat with the legendary Gee Tee and Anti and loads of other local music bits and pieces.
Magnetic Visions

What Condition my Condition was in [24]
An ongoing free zine you can normally find in Sticky’s free section

What Condition my Condition was in [23]
An ongoing free zine you can normally find in Sticky’s free section

Friday Night In West Ealing #269
Friday Night IN West Ealing is a free weekly zine from London, UK.

I've never seen Buffy until I watched episode 7 of season 5 ten times in 17 hours
This zine explores what happens when you watch the same episode ten times in a day without ever having seen Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Enjoy the madness.
Dr Jess Eggy

Sims Shame? Same? A qualitative study with over 69 participants
On the 19th of February 2020, participants were asked to answer a few short questions about their experiences playing the video game ‘The Sims’, as teens and young adults. Over the next 7 days I receieved an amazing 70 responses addressing issues and topics I couldn’t have ever imagined.
Dr Jess Eggy
